The Best News Our World Has Ever Heard!

Depending on what side of the tracks you live on may determine what sort of news you are bombarded with. If you are on one side you may be anticipating the joy of this season with smells of the sweet and spicy aroma, voices of cheer and touches of affirmation filling your home. On the other side, if you have a place to call home, it may be filled with what is a too commonly felt environment of hopelessness.


Over 2,000 years ago an angel approached humanity with some really good news! Luke quotes the angel with “Don’t be afraid, I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people.” This news was that a Savior was born. In the English language, his name is Jesus, meaning the Savior of the world. His whole purpose was to offer hope. The hope he would provide would reposition humanity from a state of disconnect to a unified relationship with God through himself. This is really good news!

Today in even one of the most prosperous cities of America there is still a need for a message of hope. Unfortunately, crime continues to have a grip in our community; graduation rates for many students are improving while for many students they continue to decrease. Family breakdown is a too common reality filled with insecurities and the unknown which in itself cultivates trauma. Our city needs hope.

The message is consistent. A relationship is offered through this child that was born in a manger-Jesus Christ. Even today we can quote the lyrics of Charles Wesley; “Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled, Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies; With th’ angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem.” This is the best news of all time and brings hope to the hopeless!

As you approach this holiday season keep in mind the real reason for this season. Depending on what side of the tracks you find yourself on may determine how you interpret the season. Too often death, loss, hurt and pain shape how we interpret the season. But if God gives us the grace to refocus our attention there is a high likelihood we will be able to embrace this hopeful message. As a result of the newborn King being born he reconciles people from both sides of the track to himself. We all have a shot at enjoying this holiday season.

During this holiday season, I challenge you to be a blessing to someone. You can purchase their groceries, send a card, and offer a smile when you would have passed by in the past, and/or share encouraging words of joy. Our prayer at Next Chapter Ministries is that you have an amazing Christmas and a most blessed New Year!
